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My Writing Journey. . .


I started reading stories at a very young age and loved stories so much, I decided I had to write one of my own at the tender age of nine. My first story was a fairytale titled "Zeee". It was all of twelve pages long and was a  bestseller....among the neighborhood children.


As I grew, my tastes leaned towards historical and gothic romance with my favorite authors being Victoria Holt, Phyllis Whitney, Mary Stewart and a few others. Then, one day, while on lunch break at a nearby store where I worked,  I found a book titled,  "How to Write a Romance and Get It Published" by Kathryn Falk.  It's pretty outdated by today's standards, but at the time, it was the bible of romance writers. I was hooked from the start and decided this book was what I needed to help me get my book written. By the way, you can still purchase this paperback through Amazon. Click on the title I highlighted.  The story I started writing while reading How to Write a Romance and Get it Published, is sitting in the dark recesses of my basement, but I have taken the soul of the story, so to speak, and have rewritten it three times and retitled it twice.  It now goes by the name of "Finding Eden" and because it was so long, I had to turn into two books.  I will finish them and publish them. 


I've been writing for over two decades and I'm still learning this craft. Writers always have something to learn. I have met so many wonderful published authors and aspiring authors through the years and some have become my 'online' family. The writing community has been so instrumental in my writing journey and I've met so many talented authors and writers.  


Currently, my Misty River series is complete and available on Amazon. I'm now writing another four book series titled 'Chickadee Falls" and plan on having the first book of that series available in June 2024. 


I have two grown daughters--Valerie who is married with two children.  Cameron is soon to be 7 and Elise is 5.  They are my pride and joy and can't imagine life without them.  Valerie is an Occupational Therapist and owns her own clinic in Springvale right down the street from where she lives.  I happen to work there as her receptionist! 


Jackie is my youngest and is developmentally delayed. She lives in an apartment for disabled adults and is good friends with two other ladies who have apartments in the same building. Jackie also works part-time for Valerie.


My family is my greatest achievement and mean the world to me. 

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