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  • Writer's pictureLori DiAnni

I'm a Published Author!

It took me about 20 years, or more--maybe 25 years to finally see my dream come true. I am beyond thrilled, yet I'm afraid. I'm afraid of negative reviews, although I know it's going to happen. I'm trying to stay positive and send out positive reading vibes to my customers in hopes they'll give me a really good, or great, review.

My book, Dancing in the Grass, Book One in the Misty River series, came out last week. The paperback version was published on June 22nd and the E-version was published on Friday, June 25th. I had several pre-orders ahead of time and it was nice to see the sales recorded for these. Now, I need to keep up the marketing momentum to keep sales going. And, I don't have a clue where to start for this. Back to researching I guess. And, it's also back to the writing board---

I need to revise the first 11 chapters of Book 2, Wishing on the Stars, which is due out in November of 2021. My plan is to have it completed by the end of August to get it out to Beta Readers in September and do rewrites in October. I know that it took me almost a week or more to get everything formatted correctly and fix the issues KDP found, so I need to allow couple of weeks for problems that may arise. So, I had better get back to writing!

On a side note, I am so sorry for not creating any posts in the last several weeks. Every spare minute was spent on getting Book One ready to be published and I was on a dead line. This time, for Book 2, I plan on leaving myself more time to get things done.

Until next time, Happy Reading!

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