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Planning for the New Year

Writer's picture: Lori DiAnniLori DiAnni

Hello my friends! It's been almost a month since I wrote my previous post and I do apologize. It's been a crazy month and I spent my free time in November doing NaNoWriMo...and I won! I finished with 52,279 words. Did you participate? Did you win? Even if you didn't win, however many words you wrote is still better than nothing.

Now, we're approaching Christmas and New Year's and a lot of our writing plans will be put aside. I, for one, will do my best to write everyday but I won't beat myself up if I don't. For me, writing should be enjoyable and not a job I don't like or want to do each day. I also don't want to feel guilty for not writing when I would rather spend time with my family. Due to Covid, I won't be spending time with friends like we've done in the past and I won't even be celebrating with my family out of state, which is depressing for me. I'll spend a few hours on Christmas Day with my daughters and grandchildren and then it'll be just my husband and me. So, I'll probably spend the rest of the day writing.

Then I realized how close we were to a new year and how little I have planned. Because I want to have my first novel published by May of 2021 and need to plan out three other books, I needed to have a plan ready. So, I went to Sarra Cannon's Heart Breathings YouTube site

and took down notes on how I can plan for 2021 and have a successful year. This is what I plan on doing:

  1. Download a Google calendar for the entire year and color code what book I'm going to write when. Allow enough time to write, edit and rewrite and add these blocks of time on the calendar.

  2. Order and Download Sarra's HB90 Method Planner (quarterly)

  3. Plan Self-Care Days: I need to set time aside for doing something for ME

  4. Positive Affirmations: Write down several positive affirmations and look at one each day

  5. Allow for Days Off: Put a big X in boxes in which I absolutely can't write or just want a days to myself "just because".

  6. Tell myself "It's Okay", if I don't reach a goal. Try not to become over-whelmed.

  7. Continue learning about the craft

  8. Plan, Write and Schedule Blog Posts

  9. Plan FB and IG posts ahead of time

  10. Work on my Author FB Page

These are just a few things I'm planning, but these could change. All I can do is Do My Best.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let me know how you plan your writing for the upcoming year.

Happy Writing!

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